
Work email in real life

Work email in real life

Work email in real life. Just for fun!

Humour is very much a subjective thing, as is communication. So what about work email?

We have included a number of videos in our ‘just for fun’ blog category as a little bit of humour is a good thing and it may just help our website SEO and visitor traffic too. Ultimately though we have selected ones which we hope you will enjoy, either because;

1) One of us at E&P has seen it and found it amusing,
2) We have been sent it or seen it sent to someone else and they must have found it amusing, or
3) It’s on Youtube. with lots of views, so someone found it amusing and so perhaps you will do too.

This one is all about work email, we hope you enjoy it.

If you know of any workplace relevant videos we should consider sharing, be that recruitment, workplace or employee experiences and communication related, please drop us an email and let us know, we love a good chuckle, it brightens our day.