Employee engagement definition, it means different things to different people
- 06/01/2017
- Posted in: Statistics
Employee engagement definition? What’s your definition of employee engagement? And what might it do for you, for your line managers and for your organisation?
Employee engagement definition courtesy of Engage for Success:
“A workplace approach designed to ensure that employees are committed to their organisation’s goals and values, motivated to contribute to organisational success, and are able at the same time to enhance their own sense of well-being.” Plus another employee engagement definition “Creating the conditions in which employees offer more of their capability and potential.”
It’s not just engagement, its employee engagement, there is a significant difference and that’s not simply that it is employees being engaged as opposed to any other audience, it’s a workplace approach and is about mutual commitment not merely engagement. Engagement alone has a definition courtesy of the Oxford Dictionary as: The action of engaging or being engaged: ‘Britain’s continued engagement in open trading’
If companies want high performance, leaders must demonstrate the connection between the company’s success and that of its employees.
Quirke, B: Making the connections 2008:13
Traditionally, internal communication has been broadcast to employees, with management conclusions and strategic decisions announced rather than communicated. However, since the later part of the 1980’s, business leaders have discovered the exponential value of employee engagement and instead of cascading messages down the management ladder, industry giants are starting to find innovative channels to engage, motivate and collaborate with their employees, regularly and consistently. Read more…